For those who are fighting for a better world, for those who keep your image in their hearts and pray.
At This Time of Year
I ask myself, what is it like to be a Companion at this time of year? … Ah! Everything has gone quiet for Holy Week and Easter Day One.
Widening Our Membership Criteria
When we moved to our retirement community in Concord, NH, just as the pandemic was beginning, one woman became quickly recognizable, even hidden behind a mask, because she often wears an Adelynrood shirt.
Writing Poetic Midrash
One of the offerings of the 2021 Companion Conference was a poetry workshop on writing a poem in the tradition of a midrash. In Jewish tradition, a midrash is discerning new meaning in the text of the Torah. For us today,
We Remember Her
Each year, Companions gather in a memorial service to remember our sisters who have died in the past year. We celebrate lives well lived and mark a Companion’s move to what we lovingly call the Paradise Chapter.
If you come to a service in The Episcopal Church on February 25 and the “saint” commemorated is “Emily Malbone Morgan, Lay Leader and Contemplative, 1937,” you may well wonder, “Who is that? Never heard of her.”