

Explore your interest


Companions are a women’s prayer group and much more. We focus on spirituality and supporting social justice, peace and unity. We are from all walks of life and across the globe. We are single, married and partnered. We work and are retired. Some are clergy women, but most are laywomen who serve the church. Our worship is rooted in the Episcopal Church/Anglican Communion.

If you feel called to a life of prayer, thanksgiving and simplicity, Companions are ready to help you learn more about us as women and as an organization.

Our common focus is on spiritual growth, prayer life and companionship as Companions. We share community in 32 chapters around the world, including India. There’s even a virtual chapter for those who don’t live close to other Companions. Our home is Adelynrood, a historic retreat and conference center near Boston, where we gather to volunteer and for conferences, quiet days and spiritual programs.

Are you looking for a community of women linked by spirituality, wisdom and openness? Do you want to create lasting friendships with like-minded women? Consider the journey toward becoming a Companion. We’re ready to help you every step of the way.

Steps to becoming a Companion


Talk to a companion


Companions are women of all ages from all over the world. We are young and old, working and retired. We enjoy fellowship and laughter. We are bound by prayer and our individual spiritual compasses.

The best place to start is to talk with a Companion in your area or one of our leaders. She will share her experience, chapter activities and how the journey to becoming a Companion begins.


Explore your interest in the Companions by visiting a local chapter. Depending on the location and chapter size, we meet monthly or quarterly. Every chapter’s format is a little different, but all chapters pray together. We share our spiritual journeys and ministries. We have programs such as book studies or guest speakers. We hold retreat days and conduct chapter business.

begin discernment


After a year of visiting a chapter, you will decide if you want to continue your journey toward becoming a Companion. If you do, you’ll become a Discerner. Two Companion sponsors will help guide you in prayer, study and reflection. You’ll participate in chapter meetings, programs and retreats. And, you’ll learn more about the life and ministry of the Companions. Discerners often visit Adelynrood, our retreat and conference center.


Discernment is a time of contemplation and searching. It usually takes one to two years. When you are ready, you’ll reflect on those areas of life and faith that you will agree to live out in the Companion Vows. As Companions, we vow:

  • To serve God day by day in thanksgiving, in the ministry of intercession, and in simplicity of life.
  • To pray and work for social justice and peace, for the unity of all God’s people, and for the mission of God in the world.
  • To practice peacemaking and non-violence, acknowledging responsibility for the environment and for economic justice throughout the world.
  • To live in singleness of heart and mind so that our way of life bears witness to God’s love.
  • To lead a simple, disciplined life and be a faithful steward of all that God has given us.
  • To support the corporate life and ministries of the Society with our time, talent, and treasure.
Reflect and Take Vows
Become a Companion


Your transition from Discerner to Companion is marked by a joyful service. Your Companion sponsors and chapter Companions will support you as you take your vows. As a Companion, you commit yourself to a ministry of prayer, thanksgiving and simplicity of life.