Annual Report, Companions


2023 Annual Report


This year we give thanks for the Chapters where we gather in fellowship and prayer. Companions grapple with the deep questions when we meet, whether it is in person or on zoom. How can we strengthen our spiritual growth? How can we lift up the issues that burn in each other’s hearts and lives? How do we live faithfully in a world of conflict and suffering?

At the core of who we are as Companions is the monthly Intercession Paper. We often quote spiritual guides and prophetic teachers, but we also use our own words to send each other prayers. We support each other as we strive to lead simpler lives, to strengthen our commitments to social justice, to pledge our hearts to peace, reconciliation, and the unity of all God’s people. Above all, before all and after all, we give thanks.

We come from different walks of life with many perspectives and opinions, but we hold each other in Companionship. We share time together. We share prayer. We share nourishment. We share faith in a God who partners with us to make this world a better place.

We support the Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross with gifts of our time and treasure, and with the service we offer in leadership. Companions do the work to keep 31 Chapters going. We serve on committees and manage zoom meetings. We offer hospitality and spread the Good News of Companionship among our friends in church and beyond.

I am deeply grateful for all that Companions give to enrich and strengthen our common life. I invite you to read these reports of what we do. It’s a rich mix. I am honored to be part of this Society of Companions who walk the way of the Cross.



JACQUELINE SCHMITT Companion-in-Charge