For Migrant Laborers—Great Son of God, born in a stable in the midst of a journey, because there was no room for you in the dwellings of men, open our hearts in this later age to the migrant laborers of
Companions in the World: Living the Vows in Haiti
SCHC Companions commit themselves to work for social justice. For me, this work has meant the adventure of a lifetime. Here’s how it started.
Honoring Companion Adelaide Teague Case
We'd like to highlight Companion Adelaide Teague Case, as today is her day in the Lectionary Calendar of the Episcopal Church. Written by Jacqueline Schmitt, Companion-in-charge Women like Adelaide Teague Case don’t just “happen” to become Companions. In our whole history, the
An Invitation from the Companion-in-Charge
Since 1916, Companions have gathered for refreshment and renewal at our summer retreat center, Adelynrood. While there we deepen our formation in our vows of intercessory prayer, simplicity of life and social justice. For church leaders, faithful Christians and ordinary
COMPANIONS IN THE WORLD | Creation: Care for Our Planet
COMPANIONS IN THE WORLD Companions live their vocations through prayer and action. This blog regularly offers a selection of prayers that Companions pray each month. From time to time, we also spotlight individual or group activities that show how Companions live
Thoughts on Advent Going into 2024
When Advent comes around again each year, I try to focus on waiting for the wondrous gift of the holy child’s birth. I try not to rush past the waiting to arrive prematurely at the star, the angels and the
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for all of us—humans, animals, and vegetation—who are suffering now and will suffer more in the future due to drastic climate change… Please help us all to save our planet; in Jesus's name.
2022 Annual Report
A LETTER FROM THE COMPANION-IN-CHARGE As we entered 2023, we were pleased to begin to reap the benefits of a number of changes the Society instituted during the previous couple of years. We are now fully staffed with revised position descriptions