For more than ten years, the Companions' spiritual home at Adelynrood has been a "thin place" for me, a place where I have found spiritual nourishment, friendships, and a chance to deepen my experience of prayer as a creative activity.
Sunflower Birthing Centers
About 80,000 Ukrainian women are expected to have children in the coming months. In the face of a cruel war, we especially care that as many mothers as possible are surrounded by nurture and love, and that the birth takes
Portrait of a Poetry Workshop
Something many Companions seem to have in common is the creative impulse, whether practiced professionally, as dedicated amateurs, or trying something new for fun. Sharon Klander, Texas Companion, led our December Workshop, and Nicki Bourne, New Hampshire/Vermont Companion, was one
Writing Poetic Midrash
One of the offerings of the 2021 Companion Conference was a poetry workshop on writing a poem in the tradition of a midrash. In Jewish tradition, a midrash is discerning new meaning in the text of the Torah. For us today,