In our daily encounters, help us to remember the richness of your love, as we love others. Help us to live as followers of The Way, trusting in you.
When we are bewildered in our prayer life by the enormity of the distress and suffering in the world, may we recall with thanksgiving the wise words of our dear founder, Emily Malbone Morgan, in one of her letters in
Home to Adelynrood: 2022 Companion Conference
In September 2019 I said "yes" to an invitation to lead our 2021 Companion Conference. In June 2022, after two summers of pandemic closure, I stepped back on the grounds of Adelynrood at last, two days ahead of the postponed
The Earth is God’s: 2022 Companion Conference
Rob Hirschfeld, Bishop of New Hampshire, recently released a video report from the Lambeth Conference about the bishops’ discussion on care for creation. I liked that our virtual Companion Conference on creation care, on Saints Francis and Clare, on Vida
God’s Call to Francis: 2022 Companion Conference
Jackie Schmitt talked about how Francis of Assisi inspired the early Companions to become leaders in different movements, using various gifts to reach out to help those on the margins of society. Stephanie Spellers invited us to reflect on what
A Grace-filled Creation: 2022 Companion Conference
When I think of a grace-filled creation I have only to watch one of David Attenborough’s stunning programs on the natural world. Since my teenage years in the UK, I have been enamored with David’s naturalist work as he made
Joys and Challenges: 2022 Companion Conference
St. Francis cared about the world and how we act in it. I will remember most clearly keynote speaker Stephanie Spellers’ statement that we are “Companions of the Holy Cross” but do we act that way?
From July/August 2022 Intercession Paper, Selected Prayers
Father, we know that you can do great things through us in times of crisis. We need your strength and that of our brothers and sisters. Help us to reach out and bind our hearts together…
From June 2022 Intercession Paper
Help us to share your love in ways that restore the earth and bring economic justice, peace, and community well-being to our broken world; in your holy name we pray.