Companions receive a monthly publication, the Intercession Paper, containing our collected prayers for others and the world on the themes of our vows. We are united as we pray these prayers. These are selections from the November 2022 issue.
In our daily encounters, help us to remember the richness of your love, as we love others. Help us to live as followers of The Way, trusting in you.
Sunflower Birthing Centers
About 80,000 Ukrainian women are expected to have children in the coming months. In the face of a cruel war, we especially care that as many mothers as possible are surrounded by nurture and love, and that the birth takes
When we are bewildered in our prayer life by the enormity of the distress and suffering in the world, may we recall with thanksgiving the wise words of our dear founder, Emily Malbone Morgan, in one of her letters in
From July/August 2022 Intercession Paper, Selected Prayers
Father, we know that you can do great things through us in times of crisis. We need your strength and that of our brothers and sisters. Help us to reach out and bind our hearts together…
From June 2022 Intercession Paper
Help us to share your love in ways that restore the earth and bring economic justice, peace, and community well-being to our broken world; in your holy name we pray.
From May 2022 Thanksgiving Paper
Every year, back to our early days, the May Intercession Paper has held thanksgiving prayers from cover to cover.
From April 2022 Intercession Paper
Each morning I seek peace as I pray; that deep inner peace that unites me with God, that opens my heart to what I need to know…
From March 2022 Intercession Paper
Here is a selection of prayers from this month’s IP. If you’re so inclined, please join Companions in reaching out in love through prayer.