




God who made this earth and called it good,

thank you for this gift of life

and for those surrounding us in love

while we travel through these earthy paths.

Thank you for the listening ears,

the hands that greet,

the eyes that meet,

the helpful words,

the circles opening to take us in.

Eve Webster, Discerner




A fresh new day

New opportunities

Give me grace, Lord, to watch

And listen and recognize

Your presence in my world today

Help me always seek

To do your will.                                                                                                                        

Bobbe Miller, SCHC



In this life we are in a place where we know a little—perhaps too much—but not all. This holds us in a dilemma in which peace is fleeting. Help us, O God, to maintain our faith in you, to bear this dilemmatic burden and in your timely grace, lift us up into your eternal peace. We ask this in Jesus’ name.

Alene Tate, SCHC (1992-2023)



Open my eyes

Why can’t we see

As we look around

The marginalized everywhere 

The poor, the sick, the disabled

Domestic workers, prostitutes

On society’s fringes.

Inclusion is what I need to learn.

Open my eyes

And teach me to see like you

Act like you

Love like you

Teach me, O Lord, I pray.

Rebekah Kuriyan, SCHC



Holy God, your peace is the peace we seek to reconcile our anxious thoughts. Your peace offers perspective and leads to wisdom. Blanket our minds and hearts with your peace so we let your peace permeate to our cores and live in pursuit of reconciling trust and love.

Lynn Edwards, SCHC



God of lovingkindness, give me an unquenchable desire to grow closer to you, to seek you above all else, and to heed your voice as it draws me to you. Let me know your selfless and life-giving love, that I may share it with each person I meet.

Alinda Stanley, SCHC



Praises and Thanksgiving to You, Creator God:

Help us to care for the gifts of the earth You have

given us.

Praises and Thanksgiving to You, Jesus the Christ:

Who shows us how to be in the world and not be

of the world.

Praises and Thanksgiving to You, Holy Spirit:

Who rejoices with us in times of joy and sustains

us in times of trial.

Cheri Evans, SCHC