God of life, you invite me
and all that you have created
to enter into the joy of your being.
May I join with the rocks, the trees,
the oceans, the stars, the elephants, the puffins,
and my sisters and brothers
in the dance that celebrates and glorifies you.
Give me grace to abandon myself
to that dizzying, life-giving,
and sacred whirl of praise.
Alinda Stanley, SCHC
Loving God,
Open our hearts, our eyes, our minds to simplicity of life, of love, of prayer. Quiet the storms, the sounds, the intrusions. Guide us to find what you desire for each of us. We trust your never-failing love.
Joan Dunham, SCHC
Creator God, we give thanks for our beautiful and loving Mother Earth that connects us to one another in a sacred web of life. Open our hearts and minds to live in harmony with all creation. Guide us in becoming Menders and Healers of reciprocal relationships and Spiritual Weavers in uniting us.
Give us courage and wisdom to create life-giving economies and religious and social practices that honor and uphold freedom and prosperity for all creation.
Ann Smith, SCHC
May the reverence we give your Name pull us out of selfishness that prevents us from seeing the pain of our neighbor. Your kingdom come, your will be done; help us to create a world where we will act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with you and each other.
Linda Halvorsen, SCHC
We need peace within ourselves before we can find peace with others. Help me reconcile myself to my past failings. Let me forgive myself for having hurt others, for failing to care for others when they were in need, and for not living into your vision of the person I am meant to be. Help me find not only peace within myself but also the strength and grace to make amends when I can and to do better in the future.
Lynne Young, SCHC
Come Holy Spirit, inhabit my heart. Strengthen and motivate me to do the works that Jesus taught; to forgive as I hope to be forgiven; to work to create a society where all beings live in love and peace and plenty, where the poor have their needs met, and the suffering are comforted.
Jen Tellman, SCHC
Cleanse the thoughts of our heads, dear loving Holy Spirit, that our hearts may find Your comfort; and in our gut we may know what Love would have us do today.
Roberta Nobleman, SCHC