“I had trouble understanding how privilege and simplicity of life could be compatible. My sponsor Joan shared the idea of simplicity as a way to consider how I spend my time.”
I heard about the concept of “spiritual friendship” at church and asked my rector how to find this. Rev. Kate, who has served as an SCHC chaplain, guided me to the Companions.
During the discernment period, I read about our founders, Emily M. Morgan and her friends, who, though highly privileged, made seeking simplicity of life one of our vows.
I had trouble understanding how privilege and simplicity of life could be compatible. My sponsor Joan pointed me to some letters of EMM on the topic. She also shared the idea of simplicity as a way to consider how I spend my time. I generally say yes to too many things! I now regularly try to discern whether something I CAN do is what I need to do in this way at this time.
What do I enjoy most about being a Companion? Companionship! Getting to know so many amazing women who enjoy praying and talking together about life and faith.
My prayer life is definitely influenced by the patterns and types of prayer the Companions prioritize. Also I find that genuine community can form online, thanks to our noon prayer group and other online Companion offerings.
If you’re looking for a faith-based women’s group, make contact by using the form on this page. I encourage you to visit a chapter meeting in your area.
Also try noon or night prayers online, where you can meet companions from many chapters all at once.
Deb lives with her husband, younger son and two cats in New Hampshire, and loves visiting their older son, who is an Episcopal priest in Indianapolis, and her granddog Watts. She is always reading and loves recommending books to others. She spends a lot of her free time trying to help people feel hopeful about creation care. You can view a Lenten meditation Deb presented for her chapter here.

Companion, New Hampshire/Vermont Chapter
Companions are women just like you. And, we are women not like you. That’s what makes being a Companion so special. We all come together to share a common purpose of prayer, thanksgiving and simplicity of life. Tell us where you live below and a Companion from your area will contact you. We will not use your information for any other purpose.